Monday, July 15, 2013

New School Year

I am getting excited. School starts in four weeks. I am fixing up my classroom, making my classroom furniture bring out character in my classroom. I am trying to decide which poster to put up...with the rules for the classroom. My class includes students in a six year spread, from 3rd to 8th, so I want to choose posters that will not be to "young" for the older students or too "mature" for the younger students. I may just make my own this year.

This is an important element in my classroom because the first things I will do is use the rules to share expectations with my students. What is the one classroom detail that you are spending the most time on this summer?


  1. I am so glad that you are excited for the year to start! I am as well. I teach 6th, and use the basic 5 rules posters from Coach B. If you make your own, I hope you post them so we can all see! Keep up the great work.
    Whole Brain Teaching in Middle School

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, Sarah! I am already working in the room-trying to get ready. If I do make them, I will definitely add a picture! I hope you have a great year!

  3. I taught 5th to 8th last year and used posters that were just colorful. I think you could be safe with just ones without pictures. There are some on TPT for WBT. Have a great year!

  4. Thanks, Stephanie, I'll check that out. Do you have a blog? I am looking for more ways to incorporate Whole Brain in the mixed grade-level classroom!
