Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 5-August 19

Whew! After this post, I am caught up! What an exciting day! Two of my struggling students stood in front of the class and did the first 25 events in the life of Christ. When they were stuck, the other students did the motions and they remembered what to say! Then we clapped for them. The boys were walking a little taller. The other cool thing is, this was an action they each volunteered to perform.

Today is the first day I won the Scoreboard. No extra recess! It was interesting that they handled it so well. My guess is that, on Monday, they will shoot for rule number 5 and make their dear teacher happy!

The end of the first week has come and gone. The teachers and the students both enjoyed the week. Next week, as I start working regular classwork into the agenda, it will be fun to include the whole brain activities. I don't know about the kids, but I am looking forward to it!

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